Ruggero Maggi,
"The Networking Children Saga is Continuing" (2004?)
un violon d'ingres
Usually I like the unfinished or more ephemeral appeal of things but I do like the year-end "complete package" feeeling of the last qbdp (#41) of 2004.
But I like just as well the simpler, more off-hand feeling of things like the ballpoint-drawn glyphs on plain cardboard stock. "Work with what you've got where you are" would be a good Visualist motto.
1/10 Ruth and Marvin Sackner
2/10 Bob Grumman
3/10 Roy Arenella
4/10 kiyotei
5/10 Scott McDonald
6/10 Mick Boyle
7/10 j0llyr0ger
8/10 Jassy Lupa
9/10 Bob Brueckl
10/10 qbdp
The photo was taken in the lobby of what is generaly known here as a "welfare hotel". What is not known, generally, is that the poet James Schuyler in 1978 was forced by personal contingencies to live there--a place where the ambiance is not conducive to writing good poetry.un violon d'ingres