j0llyr0ger writes a me a couple page letter, written to the "estimable Huth"--now, is he being funny? or did he misplace the in-?--and in his effective signature style: pseudo-quasi-eighteenth-century-pirate-brogue. A verbal delight. Within the letter, j0llyr0ger announces that μ 2.0 is in the works and that he's working on a new micro-periodical entitled MockingbirdWheel.
But, wonder of wonders is a little trifold publication entitled "3S," which is entirely created through stencilling and spray-painting. Three sh--er words appear on each panel of the resulting triptych, each wonderfully different visually from the rest.

j0llyr0ger, "3S" (Nov 2004)
un violon d'ingres
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