Monday, November 15, 2004

A Fauxvelope from the Back Hamlet

Today, I received my first piece of mail from Jcsyntheticsuk of Ipswich, Suffolk, and he deftly reminds me that mailartists have their own style, that the joy of mailart is the surprise at being introduced to a new way of doing things.

The envelope of this mailing is a sheet folded into thirds, taped shut, and decorated with lines to resemble an envelope. He sketches out, for instance, the flat V of premlip on the back, above the two rising lines of the underlip. Supporting the understory of this fauxvelope are two other sheets of paper, each showing some weirdly abstract-realistic rendition of architectural space.

Within the folds of this all, we find a few pieces of diagonally folded paper with simple rubberstampings (. . . _ _ _ . . . [SOS], an arrow identified as "GOOD," and a square asterisk), a mailart call, and some cards announcing Jsuk's recentish move.

Jcsyntheticsuk, "JCS@92" (2004)

un violon d'ingres

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