Sunday, April 03, 2005

Going Snowshoeing? Dutch or Not?

Once again, Ruud Janssen sends me one of his wonderful painted postcards. I am so attuned to snow and snowmeaning that (even though all the snow has disappeared from my area until next winter) I cannot see the two objects on this card as anything but snowshoes. Maybe they are snowshoes walking through the mud, and we have plenty of that around here after these last couple of days of snowmelt and rain.

Ruud Janssen, 05-059 (6 Mar 2005)

On the back of the card, Ruud leaves me a note that includes the following:

Notice the new postage-stamps..... Are they Dutch?

Well, two of them are Dutch (Netherlandish?) 39-Eurocent stamps, but the third is a Japanese stamp. Now, what is Ruud doing here? More on this issue when I catch up a little more on my mailart receipts and announce the successful arrival of a certain (and ostensibly anonymous) envelope from Ruud.

un violon d'ingres

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