Friday, April 01, 2005

The Sound of Reading Color with a Woodwind: "read" (qbdp # 47)

Wingate Inn, Room 521, Garden City, New York

This second card of the week has two features in common with the first: 1. I created the card the morning I was leaving the hotel, rather than during the traditional night before; and 2. I extra-illustrated the card with a sticker celebrating twenty-five years of excellence at the New York State Archives. (No-one at work seemed to appreciate my joke that twenty-five years of excellence wasn't too bad for an organization fifty years old. [No, no, we were only twenty-five years old at the time, but that was two years ago. The reason I'm using the stickers is that we have no continuing need to celebrate a two-year-old anniversary.])

The postcard I used advertised the "Campaign for Fiscal Equity," which promoted equitable school aid across New York State. I inserted the Archives sticker as the middle panel in the triptych on the front of the card, then I wrote a simple two-color, four-word fidgetglyph on the back of the card.

The recipients of "read" are the following lucky people:

1/7 Ruth and Marvin Sackner

2/7 Bob Grumman

3/7 Roy Arenella

4/7 Ruud Janssen

5/7 Scott McDonald

6/7 Mick Boyle

7/7 qbdp

This entry includes a special feature: A photograph of my mailart-creating station on the fifth floor (take heed, Ruud!) of the Wingate Inn in Garden City, New York. I took this picture the day before I created the mailart, but this is where it happened. You can see my pens on the desk.

Geof Huth's Mailart Station, Wingate Inn, Room 521,
Garden City, New York (31 March 2005)

Geof Huth, "read" (1 April 2005)

un violon d'ingres

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