Saturday, July 02, 2005

Mailing Me the Past

Ruud Janssen has put together for me a mailing that is something of a memory of the past. It includes a number of pieces of ephemera (a postcard and a handful of stickers) about the 1992 Dececentralized World Wide Networker Congress ("Where two or more artist-networkers meet in the course of 1992, there a congress will take place"), which I paid little attention to as it was happening. He sent me a color photocopy the serves as a change-of-address notice, but which is an agglomeration of pbits of mailart he's sent and received over the years. And then he sent me this:

David Zack, "WHERE THERES NO" (May 1983), Last from Ruud Janssen to Geof Huth (Jun 2005)

What a wonderful memory. I don't know David Zack, the apparent creator of this interesting text, but the rest are well known in mailart circles, and, unfortunately, Robin Crozier (an oftentime contributor to the defunct zine, Lost and Found Times) is now dead. Zack created this piece the year I learned of the existence of mailart, and Robin Crozier and Clemente Padín mailed it out the very month my first child, my daughter Erin, was born. Somehow, this is all about mMemEmO rORori liesES.

un violon d'ingres

1 comment:

Ruud Janssen said...

Dear Geof,

I'm glad you published this. So many new mail-artists can have a glimpse into the past before they create a new future / past for themselves.

I actually found three of these papers and all passed them opn again...
