Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Prize-Winning Blog Posts No Mailart Today

Yesterday, I received a notice from Rick Jones (no less) informing me that this weblog has been designated a Cool Site in the Netscape Open Directory "Arts/Visual_Arts/Mail_Art_and_Artistamps/Artists." Along with this recognition, I received a copy of the nomination:

This blog is the BEST "mail art" blog on the network.

The author/artist lists and discusses an enormous amount of correspondence and usually writes a detailed explanation of the art he receives. It is a pleasure to eavesdrop on his visual conversations and read his thoughts about each communication.

His deep, thoughtful interpretations and background data about the artist and artworks are a joy to read.

A little too kind, maybe, but nice to hear. So wouldn't it be nice if I found the time tonight to actually post some of the great mailart I have received recently?

It sure would!

un violon d'ingres


Unknown said...

geof, i couldn't say it any better!!!

Anonymous said...

geof, Congratulations. Your blog work is invaluable.
Best, r0y

Mick said...

Wow Geof!

It's all true. Good for you. Your blog is a pleasure.


Ruud Janssen said...

Hi Geof,

Yes, totally agree. Your blog is the best one I have seen so far. What I like the ,ost is the balance between the words and the visuals you send out or receive. A joy to visit every time again. Congrats!