On the ides of August, and two days before he was set to move to Breda, Ruud Janssen wrote me a note (written on the back of a Ray Johnson postcard) that apologized for his bombardment of me with postcards and that said he'd need months to unpack after this move. This was the last mailing I received from a while from Ruud. I'm just amazed that Ruud found the time to paint this nice envelope as he was packing to move.

Ruud Janssen, "The nice thing about mail-art is that" (1990; envelope, 15 Aug 2005)un violon d'ingres
Hi Geof,
The table I ordered to work on still hasn't placed. It misu be still somewhere in Italy. So no place to paint card yet, but soon that will be solved. Breda is fun to live in.......
Glad to hear it, but take care, and keep having fun.
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