In his standard brown vlope, Reed Altemus sent me a sheet of pataphysical postage stamps (okay, artist's stamps), a brief note of a
small press fair he was about to attend in Mainz, Germany (one of my favorite German cities), and a beautiful copy of his visual poem, "LVIFED,"
which I've written about elsewhere. So instead of showing you something Reed sent me, let me show you Reed himself.

Reed Altemus, Litsa Spathi, and Ruud JanssenI'd like Reed and Ruud to exchange vowels for a day to see how it changes them. Or maybe they should develop a Reed-Ruud mailart collaboration.
un violon d'ingres
1 comment:
Reed and Ruud talked for almost an hour at that fair and we realized we never could reach that level of communication by mail.
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