Saturday, May 28, 2005

Since the Secret is Out

Not only is Ruud Janssen (see just below) about to move, so is Roy Arenella. I've been keeping this a secret for a few months now, but I've seen announcements elsewhere, so I can report that Roy is moving to nearby Greenwich (pronounced "Green Witch"), New York, which is about 40 miles from my home, out in the country, though, so about an hour from my home as well.

With very little in his home left unpacked, Roy announces that the "(purple) envelope isnt part of any mail art 'strategy.'" Inside he includes a simple little grid, filled with color and explaining that the X and the O are the secret heart of the alphabet. I have to admit that I'm not sure what that means. But the X and the O to me are element, one being about curves and the other being about straight lines, so that would be the answer from my point of view.

Roy Arenella, "The Secret Heart of the Alphabet" (13 May 2005)

This mailing is number 110C (C standing for "card") for Roy this year, which means that the move is slowing him down a bit. At about the same time last year, I was receiving a card numbered 204. No worries here. As we all know, mailart isn't everything.

It's the only thing.

un violon d'ingres

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