Saturday, August 06, 2005

Getting it Almost Wright: "s / l / wRIGHt" (qbdp # 79)

Still Point, Caroga Lake, New York

For the second time, I've taken nine numbered labels from a Moleskine notebook (each with a different quotation about writing), affixed them to large and colorful Krazy Kat postcards, and created a little fidgetglyph about writing on the spot.

The lucky recipients of this issue of qbdp are

1. Ruth and Marvin Sackner

2. Bob Grumman

3. Roy Arenella

4. Ruud Janssen

5. Dan Waber

6. Luc Fierens

7. Angela Genusa

8. Jonathan Stangroom

9. qbpd

un violon d'ingres

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

Geof... I got it... thank you...
I'll be sending more, then