Saturday, August 06, 2005

A Deck of Cards from the Valhalla of Cowpats

Ficus strangulensis, Fike, Resident Lark of Valhalla of Cowpats, responds to my card by sending me an envelope stuffed with stuff. As usual, Fike includes a sheet from his spreadsheet of mailart comings and goings and a note, which is backed by the usual crazed and dense collage work of Malok (the Maalox-named mailartist of Waukau, Wisc.).

The rest of the mailing is a baker's dozen of his usual cards, an assortment too large to mention in full, but they include

a closeup of a bullet home through a piece (taken on my birthday)

a short fiction collaged over a visual background

s still from a Superman cartoon from 1942

reproductions of advertisements

a photograph of a daisy

a clipping from the 1930s or '40s in which Republicans are blaming FDR's policies for the predicted lack of canned fruits and vegetables in the comming year. (Somehow, I bet there still was some canned food.)

un violon d'ingres

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