The minimalist poet endwar (
who is hitting the blogwaves elsewhere as we speak [see the entry for 7 August 2005) sends me a simple card, one side of which re-examines the minimalization of "Still Point," the name of my in-laws' camp (that is, cottage) in the Adirondacks. His first attempt at this minimalization appears at
dbqp: visualizing poetics, but this one improves upon the latter by replacing the central i with a raised (or almost raised) period. (I think I suggested this idea last year, but maybe not quite; regardless, the idea of this has been in my mind, since it is a more perfect solution. Instead of looking at "still point" as typed onto a postcard by the last of the typewriter poets, we will look at the other side of the card, which includes a greater number of still points.

endwar, The Opposing Side to "still point" (5 Aug 2005)un violon d'ingres
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